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What we’re about

Live on the Northern Beaches or Lower North Shore, and aged somewhere from early 40's to your 60's?
If you're single or not, and wish to meet others from our local area, face to face and have some fun and laughter in the process. 
Then this group is for you! 
You could make some long lasting friendships and your weekends and even some weekdays, will definitely be brighter! 
By joining you acknowledge that any activity that you attend, is 100% at your discretion and liability. That you will not hold any of the organisers responsible in any way, whatsoever.
We aim to hold events across both the Northern Beaches and the Lower North Shore. These include weekend walks, evenings enjoying local drinks, food, live bands, dancing, home events and shows 😊 
We have a joining fee of $20, this pays you up to the month of May of the following year. Then renewal in the month of May, is only $10 each year after that.
This directly offsets the admin costs we pay to Meet-Up in the USA and covers some of the running costs.. 
Can you please transfer the $20 joining to: 
CBA Mona Vale branch 062205
Account number 1031 2324 (Tom K meetup)
Please ensure you type your name on the transfer, so I can ensure it is allocated to you and we have no confusion. 
For advance payment for activities/shows, please use this same account.