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What we’re about

From the Organizers:

This meetup will be for hikes, trips, coffee, gatherings, or whatever speaks to us! It's really up to everyone to make this the best group ever. If you love nature and meeting good. nice people, this group is for you.

If you are looking for a nature connection, fitness, and creative adventures - JOIN US now! It is a great place to stretch your wings a bit. This would be for anyone who is earth-loving, open-minded looking for fun fitness adventure and connections. If you don't mind sometimes the desire to stop and smell the roses so to speak, this is the group for you.

We like to keep the conversation light and enjoy being in nature. It's about getting out, meeting people, and having fun. We try to move as a group or be mindful of everyone's presence and pace. We will also go to festivals, art shows, or other events that you might like to go to with a group.

Remember to enjoy the moment.

There are no fees for this meetup group, only entry fees at parks, or other venues. It is currently by optional donation - no required.

If you would like to host an event in this group, let us know and we can get that setup.
Please no soliciting the members of this group. This is a social group and not intended to promote any business or cause. Even if it is for a good cause, this group is for connecting and getting out into nature. Thank you for your understanding.

Please have a photo and an interest listed for approval into this group. If there is no photo is automatically declined -- it is nice to have a photo so the host (and other participants) of the event have a general idea of who to expect!

Remember to be respectful of everyone, be kind, listen actively and compassionately (everyone has something interesting to share!!) and respectful of everyone's individual presence and pace.
We have a Facebook page, search for "Northern Indiana Adventures" and Social group 😊

We look forward to connecting with you.

We will keep the members list updated. This means if you are not on Meetup or visiting the group for over a year you may be removed. This is just to try and keep the list of active members. You are always welcome to rejoin.

[Please contact any of the organizers, Rhonda Starseed, Stasia Stewart, or Phil Shoop, with inquiries or suggestions.]

Please forgo the perfumed products if you are planning on attending an event. A lot of people have chemical sensitivity and it makes for an uncomfortable hike. Thank you for your understanding.

Upcoming events (4+)

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