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Seeking Emotional Wellbeing - Hawaiian Style

From: Ellen
Sent on: Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 10:22 AM

Hi All,

I am writing this morning to let you know about a minor change in our agenda for Wednesday May 20th. Maria is unable to attend next week. For this, she is deeply Sorry and has asks for your forgiveness. She would also like to extend love to the group and hopes to be able to present at a later date.

Although, I have not been through the same training that Maria has. I have experienced   Ho' Onoponopono, it's powerful effects, and I do have the knowledge to share with you what this Hawiian Modality is about. So please join me as:

    Learn about the Hawiian Philosophy of Letting Go

    Discover what Ho'oponopono is and what it really means

    Experience a beautiful forgiveness meditation

    with Love & Gratitude

