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About climate change and cold fusion

From: Betty M
Sent on: Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 4:14 PM

Hey CCTrs and Physics Enthusiasts!

Here are a couple of items that might be of interest. 

Natural climate variability is extremely unlikely to have contributed more than about one-quarter of the temperature rise observed in the past 60 years, reports a pair of Swiss climate modelers in a paper published online December 4. Most of the observed warming—at least 74 percent—is almost certainly due to human activity, they write in Nature Geoscience.

Link to full article here:

AND ..check out this video relating to an alternative energy..the Rossi Reactor. (referred to in comments to the above Scientific American article).

Nobel laureate touts E-Cat cold fusion

Physics meeting this Friday, December 9th..If you haven't already, you can see details and RSVP at:

Betty and Mohsen

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