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Re: [Physics-61] Global Warming Saved the Whales.

From: Hugh G.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 18, 2012, 3:20 PM

People are one part of nature and the ecosystem

a tiny and insignificant part.


Here's something to help visualise that:

Just because we are insignificant and nonconsequential compared to the Sun

doesn't mean we should go around acting like jerks though.

We should be stewarding nature and helping along the 'next' whales

by doing our best to accellerate climate change and thus accellerating evolution.

On Wednesday 18/01/2012 at 2:43 pm, Stan Racansky wrote:
Hello Hugh,

Very good evolutionary point but we are also talking how much our friendly neighborhood homo sapiens are helping the process. The nature is one thing, human stupidly other.


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On[masked], at 10:12 AM, Hugh <[address removed]> wrote:

Whales used to be little hooved hyenas (mesonychids) in Pakistan

until global warming drove them into the sea

to become the animals we know today.


Should time now stop at some arbitrary year in your youth when you were happy?

If your personal stock portfolio depends on Iowa corn futures,

perhaps you should lobby against global warming.

If you love nature, you are in favour of global warming.

Otherwise you're just killing the 'next' whales.


There will always be species that are not evolutionarily robust,

perhaps pandas, or even homo sapiens sapiens.

These will become extinct.

This is a good thing, for the world, and for the universe.


A wider, longer, perspective can lead to quite different views

than one would reach from a myopic, selfish perspective.

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