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What we’re about

We are casual pickup basketball group. This is NOT a club / team or anything serious. Beginners are welcome. You have to be 18 or older to join due to the safeguarding requirements of the venues we use.

Let's get together once a week, indoor or outdoor (depending on the weather).

Code of conduct
All members must respect the following code of conduct.

Treat everyone with respect, do not insult and do not antagonise others in order to force a reaction. Do not be disrespectful to beginners or players who are below your skill level. You can offer friendly advice but do not lecture them in a condescending manner. Trash talking and banter is allowed but please keep light-hearted.

Aggression and violence
Do not instigate fights and do not threaten others with violence.

Do not foul intentionally and try to avoid contact if you think it could cause an injury. We are all competitive but we do need to remember that we play for fun - there is no prize for the winning team and we are not in a competitive league.

Do not display an intimidating behaviour towards others in order to get things your way. Do not discriminate against others.

Respect the call
When a player from the opposite team calls a foul, travel, etc., respect the call and move on. If you strongly disagree with the call, challenge it in a respectful manner and keep it short - nobody appreciates their time being wasted on unnecessary arguing.

Respect the session limit
Sessions are limited to 15 players. In order to play, you need to be on the list. If you are not on the list, unfortunately you will not play. Additionally, people on the list have the responsibility to keep their RSVP up to date in order to allow people on the waitlist to play. RSVP close time is 11am on the day of the event - two no shows will result in a 2 month suspension and a third no show will result in a permanent ban.

Upcoming events (1)

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