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What we’re about

Welcome to the Nova8 Meetups Poland meetup group! We are a group of cybersecurity enthusiasts and professionals united by a passion to protect systems, networks and data from digital threats.

Our group is dedicated to promoting a collaborative environment where we can come together, exchange knowledge and share experiences on the challenges and advances in the field of cybersecurity. Our goal is to create a strong and diverse community where seasoned experts and budding enthusiasts alike can engage and learn from each other.

We hold regular meetups, where we bring in expert and renowned speakers from the cybersecurity industry to share their ideas, insights and best practices. Our meetups also offer networking opportunities, allowing you to meet other professionals and enthusiasts in the field.

In addition, we also organize hands-on workshops where you can improve your technical skills in areas such as Application Security, Security Testing and Validation, DevSecOps, Data Protection and much more. Our workshops are designed to be interactive and provide a hands-on learning environment.

Whether you're a seasoned cybersecurity professional, a student interested in breaking into the field, or just someone curious about the subject, everyone is welcome to join our group. We believe collaboration and knowledge sharing are key to strengthening cybersecurity in our community and beyond.

Join us at our meetups and be part of an engaged network passionate about cybersecurity. We hope to see you at our next events!

Upcoming events

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