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RE: [newtech-1] G Drive migration to Sharepoint

From: Alex C
Sent on: Sunday, June 6, 2010, 11:09 PM



Your guidance was dead on. It’s a classic case that I have seen since early SharePoint versions. Most customers don’t know that SharePoint is *not* a replacement for file shares. In any way. And whatever overlap there is between the two (i.e. search) the file system wins every time.


My question is, did they make this decision knowing that SharePoint only support certain file types?


My other concern is on how you plan on making the file share accessible to outside offices or entities? VPNs get expensive very fast far as performance, support, administration, etc.







From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Friday, June 04,[masked]:31 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [newtech-1] G Drive migration to Sharepoint


I am consulting to a government organization.  The headquarters has 2000 people and a G-Drive that supports their efforts.  Although the remote office have their own data for the remaining 60,000 employees, the headquarters collects a lot of aggregate data.  I  just found out they are planning to migrate everything on their G Drive to SharePoint within a month and freeze the drive.  My opinion has been to use SharePoint for sign-on and collaboration and use a File System for files.
Is there any merit in this or are they going in a wrong direction? 

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