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RE: [newtech-1] [jobs] New Yorker looking for work in Europe

From: Dean C.
Sent on: Friday, December 10, 2010, 2:29 PM

Get in touch if you don’t mind working in Brno in the Czech Republic.


I have a friend with a software dev shop there that might be able to help.







From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Anonymous NYTechPerson
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 2:10 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [newtech-1] [jobs] New Yorker looking for work in Europe


Hello NY Tech,


The short story is that I'm a New Yorker looking to move to Europe around February, and in doing this I'm looking to findeitherfull time or contracting software development work to support my efforts. I would even be into contracting remotely from Europe if someone has some sort of leads that don't require me being here.


The long story is that I'm young (mid twenties), unmarried, and this seems to be the perfect time to experience some of what other cultures have to offer before getting too serious about life, saving for a house, planning for the future, and working a steady 9-5. I have a good job now in an exciting company, but the guys I work with seem to be in it for the long haul, and I'm ready for a life change. I studied abroad in Scandinavia for a semester in college, and since then have had an itch to see some more of the world, not only as a traveler, but as someone living and interacting with the everyday culture somewhere. The specific location in Europe isn't too important to me at this point, although I'd prefer to be near some sort of city, perhaps Paris or Barcelona. My French and Spanish are rudimentary but I'm willing to learn.I am a US Citizen, so hopefully getting the proper rights to work isn't too much of a hurdle.


I've started looking through random European job websites, but was wondering if anyone within our NYTech community has any contactswith whichthey might be able to put me in touch? I checked out the job board but it seems to be more focused on local jobs.


About me: I have a masters degree in computer science, and am a skilled developer with about 6 years of industry experience, particularly with PHP with the Zend Framework but more recently doing Android development. My database skill set is also very advanced. I am very into emerging technologies (goes with being part of this list I guess), enjoy messing around with new APIs, and have a good grasp on modern programming concepts like OOP, SOA, scalability, and design patterns. I'm young, eager, and always willing to learn.


I hope I'm not wasting anyone's time here - perhaps others can benefit from the group's responses.


Thank you for any help you can offer. Feel free to send me a message off-list if you like, resume available upon request.


-Anonymous (for now so I don't lose my current job!)

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