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business deduction and IT

From: Miles R.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 1:24 PM
anyone buying any cool new stuff which qualities for write off this year?

or anyone have a wish list for same?


--------------my twitter is MJRNYC

This is for work, this is my employee discount mr10, this is the website, the discount is for 40% off and posting of this is mandatory for, as they say, full employment.

Please pass this on to anyone with the first name of Miles or Myles.

I have started a linked group "Miles or Myles" for those having that first name.

The Miles group will start online and then, hopefully, at some time in the future we will have a real world in person event. A room full of hundreds of Miles. It will be a unique experience for all Miles. Please pass the link along.




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