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RE: [newtech-1] Need Help for Revolutionary Non Profit Facebook App

From: Andrew B.
Sent on: Friday, November 30, 2007, 10:23 AM



As a registered blood/marrow/organ donor this is interesting to me. I wonder though, what the real opportunity here is. After major disasters there’s always a call for blood donations in the chaos, but it usually turns out that the need is minor. I think (simply a personal opinion here) that the need for blood is a fairly steady thing for day to day hospital operations.


In any case, I’d be interested in helping out from a product management / ideas / business development prospective. I think we would need to identify the need first, however. Hit me up anytime to chat.


Andrew Baisley



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Rich Hecker
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 1:50 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [newtech-1] Need Help for Revolutionary Non Profit Facebook App


Out of a lunch today spawned an idea I'm running with. There is a huge issue in this country with logistics in regards to finding emergency blood donors. We are building a non profit to focus around a facebook app & website to allow people to sign up as emergency blood donors to recieve alerts via phone / email / rss / SMS if they are needed. I think this could be an amazing way to help the country. I've already started reaching out to all of my contacts hard and have gotten some great feedback. I'm sure there will be issues but it's simple enough and we think it will be very positive. We are looking for anyone that would be interested in volunteering or donating, time or money. Developers would be nice. Pro bono preferred though we could also pay if we find the right person. This whole thing started literally out a joke about "Facebook Vampires" a few hours ago but i'm running full court press with this. It's more important than anything else i'm working on. Please contact me if you want to get involved.


Sincerely yours,


Richie Hecker

Chief BootStrapper,


Fax: 877. [masked]

Email: [address removed]

AIM: WhoIsRichHecker

Speaking of which, who am I?




"In fact, I'm such a cereal entrepreneur, I eat startups for breakfast.

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