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Re: [newtech-1] What Applications Do People need on the iPhone?

From: user 4.
Sent on: Thursday, March 13, 2008, 8:40 PM
My ideal app! Just tell me where stuff is. Where are my car keys, where 
is my car, where the heck is my ipod? This stuff drives me nuts! I want 
to find where anything is I own is anytime and anyplace. Oh, wait! If I 
lose my iPhone, I want a virtual one that knows where it is and the 
other things.

Dean Collins wrote:
> How would you handle the suer fast spin.
> I don't think this could be done on tilt alone.
> I've seen a console version a few years ago but nothing came close to the arcade rolling ball machine.
> Lol thanks florian, you just brought back some amazing childhood memories of feeding way to much money into this machine.
> Cheers
> dean
> -----Original Message-----
> From: florian fangohr <[address removed]>
> Sent: Thursday, March 13,[masked]:28 PM
> To: [address removed] <[address removed]>
> Subject: Re: [newtech-1] What Applications Do People need on the iPhone?
> I need a Marble Madness clone; roll the marble by tilting the phone.
> https://www.youtub...­
> ;)

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