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Advertise on my Red Tie?

From: Gary | G.
Sent on: Saturday, December 13, 2008, 1:37 PM

So, I'll be going to a ton of events in the coming weeks (here's my schedule: ) and realized that I have some prime billboard advertising space available on my red tie (grin).  Perfect place to place your logo stickers etc where it'll be seen 'n talked about by the city's movers and shakers.

And its all for a good cause. Any ad revenue generated will be donated to CityHarvest (
Interested? Shoot me an email offlist or send me a DM on twitter (

(aka The Guy with the Red Tie)

ps. and don't forget to check out the upcoming theatrical release of the movie The Spirit on Dec 25. I'm not saying its autobiographical but .....

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