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Re: [newtech-1] It's amazing how much garbage is shared on Twitter.

From: Richard D.
Sent on: Friday, February 22, 2013, 8:00 PM
How did you determine the accounts were fake? has a number of bots that tweet out links from their realtime project (  Would you have classified those as fake?  What about other twitter bots?  

I think this question is interesting as we start seeing the Internet of things verses the Internet of people and I'm wondering how you and other people doing the same work on this list discern between the two when analyzing Twitter data.

Richard Dunks

On Feb 22, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Kim Luu wrote:

There's so much garbage because Twitter has been used for ecommerce advertising for a while.  People also are exploring at what their message is so a lot of people post mundane things similar to their Facebook page, i.e. food schedule. 

We did an analysis two years ago and 70% of the Twitter accounts were fake.  Unless Twitter figures out a viable business model to generate income, eventually the service will be replaced by competitors or new technology. 


Kim Luu

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