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Re: [newtech-1] U.S. demand for skilled worker visas seen topping quota soon

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 1:22 PM
People who are actually imported by an employer don't get paid substandard rates.  One of my clients spent 8 months recruiting a technician to run his new printing presses with no luck.  

Not enough trained people.  The manufacturer gave him a list of people who paid for the training program and he had to import a tech from India.  He paid $100k salary plus costs for relocation and lost the tech to a competitor a year later.  The new salary was $125k.

When you spent $3M on 2 pieces of sophisticated machinery, cheap labor is not top of mind unless you want to sabotage your business.

Bringing in a foreign worker was a last resort when he ran out of time.


Sent from my iPhone

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