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Re: Re: [newtech-1] Subscription Dilemma

From: Anthony Z.
Sent on: Monday, June 10, 2013, 10:54 AM
Cards aren't being charged quarterly. Just the first payment is 3 months in advance, then it reverts to monthly subscription.

The randomness is a big deal when it comes to monthly payments. If the user subscribed on a Wednesday after the last Tuesday billing, the Auto-Pay system runs the payments for Tuesdays after that Wednesday, which gives the user a free 6-days of service. Do that with one hundred subscribers and give away 600 days free.

Here's the example:

Subscriber pays upfront 3 months on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, the subscription kicks in 90 days after the first Auto-Pay cycle runs on Tuesday, June 4th. That date forward is Tuesday, August 20, 2013.

So the sub got 6 days free between May 29th and June 4th.

If the subs card hits on August 20, 2013 and fails, but then the sub resets the card on August 21st, it's not hit again until the following Tuesday, August 27, 2013. Meaning they get another 6 days free.

You can't back bill to the prior Tuesday, because if they set their card on Monday, August 26th, you can't back bill them to the prior Tuesday for 6-days they did not use.


On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 8:21 AM, David Todrin <[address removed]> wrote:

So, most of my clients have to chase receivables with 30-45 day terms, so your advance billing really puts you in great shape!

Now, since you are hitting your client's credit cards, and since hopefully you can get the billing system modified long-term, remember that your clients are likely uploading the cc charges electronically, and since you seem to be largely charging the cards quarterly, I don't think the "randomness" you are concerned about will be as big a deal as you fear.  Keep in mind, since you are billing and collecting in advance, both you and your clients will have to account for this as prepaid revenue/prepaid expense, so they can set up an automatic accrual, leaving just the cc reconciliation (and cash) to manage your "random dates".

As for the timing, since you are already getting paid in advance, as was mentioned, you can change your terms to 75 days.  As for "chargebacks", depending on your overall volume, could you just set up an auto reminder at 60 days from a sales/cust svce perspective -- hope you are loving the service...... we will be charging the next quarter in two weeks.... If you do not wish to continue the service, please let us know by then....?

I am also a bit confused as well over the free days -- if your contract terms indicate the timing, then when you hit their cards is an accounting issue only -- the charge should relate to days[masked] regardless of when the card is hit, so you only have a risk of loss for clients that cancel late (and based on your terms you decide not to pursue a prorated charge) or become bad debts.
Lastly, can't you charge those who lapse as a one-time charge when they "cure" and not another autopay just like you do when the firs subscribe?  You can certainly reflect paying for any prior days service in the "late renewal" terms...

David Todrin
David Todrin Consulting
CFO Services for the Entrepreneur
[address removed]

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