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Re: Shocking racist rant by NY Tech Member - Re: [newtech-1] Giving away my book for free

From: Hanan
Sent on: Monday, March 23, 2009, 1:38 PM
��I don't think the person should be sanctioned or banned from presenting. As much as I am disgusted by their comments, there's a good chance they don't reflect views of everyone in their team.

How about you let them present and THEN share their name with the group?���� Leave it up to the individual group members to decide.


On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Andrew <[address removed]> wrote:
You can't (fairly) censure someone on-list, for off-list behavior. And if you do, that's a whole huge gray area to open up, for newtech-1, for Nate, for all of and every other organizer.

Personally, I'd find that not only distasteful, but ludicrous. People need to quit overreacting.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Kavita Singh <[address removed]> wrote:
We should feel sorry for this poor guy who apparently despite being talented is so unaware. My personal suggestion would��be to:
1. Remove him from this list
2. Not allow him to present
3. He obviously needs some help - so maybe someone can recommend a good diversity training program to him or some other productive way to open up his eyes a little. (This may sound naive but I do sincerely think there are some positive recommendations we can make as well as of course sanctioning him.)

From: [address removed]

To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: Shocking racist rant by NY Tech Member - Re: [newtech-1] Giving away my book for free
Date: Mon, 23 Mar[masked]:13:44 -0400

Looks like I wrote a bit fast here, too many threads ;)

On Mar 23, 2009, at 1:09 PM, Daniel Honig wrote:

Technology happens best in a meritocracy.

It is sad to see talented individuals fall into a shout of name calling and flame wars.

I would say it is best to take the high road and don't give those who cannot keep themselves on high moral ground fall to the wayside.
The cream rises to the top why hatred only breeds more hatred.

On Mar 23, 2009, at 12:41 PM, Nancy Burban wrote:

I agree with the last comment:��
"On a personal level, I agree - but the offender should be sanctioned and prevented from presenting to the group.

A non-response sends the message that this kind of behavior will be tolerated, and it most certainly should not be!"
This rude & intolerable behavior must stop. This is a perfect example of how an act of kindness turned very ugly for no obvious reason except that the
"member" decided to attack Ravi and mis-used his blog, his generous offer ��and this group to do so.
We must be much more vigilant & stop members from dishing out insulting, degrading, name-calling, racist, anti-feminist remarks
to other members in a vain attempt to show their perceived "superiority".
Take��all offenders��off the list & prevent them from presenting to the group!!!

Nancy Burban
[address removed]

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