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Re: [newtech-1] Sales compensation?

From: Andy
Sent on: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 1:01 PM
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Felix <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi list!�� Our company is about to engage with a few online sales people to sell our custom ad units to their agency and direct contacts.�� We're hoping to bring them in with sales comp only, no salary, at least initially.�� We have a lot of page views on a large site network: over 10 million page views spread across more than 500 sites with estimated CPM of $10 for the given vertical -- which is below the industry rate and should be easier to sell for the sales people.

So whats a fair percentage amount to offer them?


It's generally said that no good salesperson will work commission-only, and no good company would employ salespeople commission-only. There are all kinds of downsides to it for both sides of the fence.

- Andy Badera
- [address removed]
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