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Amazing Temp DUMBO Office, Great View, Private + Dirt Cheap

From: Beverly M.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 12:03 PM
For anyone on this list who wants a temp office- perhaps to try out working in an office rather than coworking, working from home etc.-- please contact me directly. I have extra space in my AMAZING DUMBO office through 12/1 and would love to find some compatible people to share it with!

Here's the CL posting, with photos:

Sunny, Quiet, Private DUMBO Office Space, Great Views! $500 for 4-5 people or $200/person

Great CLOSED temporary office share in DUMBO right near the park. The office is a long rectangle, with the long  length of the rectangle a wall of huge windows facing the water and the Manhattan bridge. With the huge windows,  it feels very spacious and airy. I'm offering 2/3 of the office, which comfortably fits 4-5 people. The photos show the actual view from the office!
The office has everything you might need or want-- beautiful views of the bridges, city & water; high ceilings; carpet; high speed wireless internet (7.1 mbps DSL), desks; power bars; chairs; use of a large conference room; kitchen; shower; 24h access; Skype phone; door intercom; a b&w laser printer; a color 11x17 multifunction printer/ scanner/copier; bookshelves; and plenty of storage. Just bring yourselves and your laptops!

I'm asking $500/mo. Inclusive for 3-5 people, or $200/person, available immediately through Dec 1. with 2 weeks security deposit.

Email me if interested!

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