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Seeking Hyperlocal Apps to Feature on

From: user 8.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 3:39 PM
Hi, it's Rachel Sklar writing from Mediaite - long-time reader, first-time emailer. Hello!

I just ran a column by Anthony de Rosa on how hyperlocal apps can get you actively engaged offline - i.e. in the real world. See here:

Using The Internet To Get Off Of The Internet

He features FourSquare, Neighborhoodr (which is his startup) and ZipCar's recent iPhone app. I asked him to send me a couple of images to go along with the piece and I quickly realized that there was (a) a slideshow in this and (b) a necessary follow-up, because there is so much stuff out there it is ridiculous. I figured you guys would be the best way to hear about them - the new, the innovative, the user-friendly, the actually-living-up-to-the-hype. So I hope it's ok to have emailed here for this.

So - here's what would be great: If you would email me (and/or Anthony, whom I have cc'd here). Or you can just leave it in the comments section of the post, whatever works. It would be awesome to have feedback from this group. (And btw I am super-open to pitches about cool new media stuff or whatnot.)

Feel free to send screengrabs too. We're hoping to have the follow-up posted sometime tomorrow. Thanks for whatever you got!

Thanks and best,

Rachel Sklar

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