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Phone Infracstructure

From: Juan Diego R.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 12:03 PM
Hi guys,

So I am reaching to see if you or any of you guys know someone who can help us with simplifying our phone system. We are paying many different providers across our business even though we dont have anything out of the ordinary in terms of the configuration. Basically we have a corporate office and 4 different stores. I am hoping to be able to just use a system like ringcentral that houses everything in the clound and is one stop shop for phone service. We just need to make sure we have good internet and they take care of the rest. However I dont have a lot of experience in networking or phones so I want to seek the help from someone who would ideally assess the situation, make a recommendation and possibly help implementing the change. Hopefully not someone super expensive and that is driven to solve problems like this one.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your help in advance.

Juan Rodriguez
[address removed]

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