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Fwd: [newtech-1] NY Tech Meetup July 8 Newsletter

From: Andy Z.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 1:20 PM
Hi Tech Gurus

Any friendly advice for PR expenditures for driving traffic to our latest Kickstarter campaign....we need to accelerate velocity of backers beyond our baseline funding goal....Any PR contacts you can share.... Thanks for your help!!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andy Ziegler <[address removed]>
Date: July 15, 2015 at 8:35:02 AM EDT
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [newtech-1] NY Tech Meetup July 8 Newsletter
Reply-To: [address removed]

Hello Friends and iPhone users...Please check out our Kickstarter campaign for miniature breathalyzer DrinkMate...   Drink, but be safe. Cheers!
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 8, 2015, at 3:36 PM, Jessica Lawrence <[address removed]> wrote:

Good Afternoon NY Tech Meetup Members –


Hope that you’re having a wonderful week and are staying cool! We have some great events and opportunities listed for you below.


To submit a listing for a future newsletter, add your event to the NYTM Community Calendar at calendar listings will be automatically included in each newsletter.


Next Newsletter: Wednesday, July 22nd

Submission Deadline: Monday, July 20th by noon (12pm)



Jessica, Andy, Casey and Sam -The NYTM Team


Follow us on Twitter at:

Find us on Facebook at:

Follow us on Tumblr: 

Follow us on Instagram: @nytechmeetup


New information/announcements are in red.





****Next Monthly Meetup is TUESDAY, August 4****

Our next Monthly Meetup is TUESDAY, July 7, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Skirball Center at NYU (566 LaGuardia Place). Tickets are available now (until the first batch sells out) and more will be released on July 28th and July 31st at 1:00 P.M. You can purchase tickets here when they are released:  If you’re interested in sponsoring a future meetup or after party, please contact Andy at [address removed].





A big thanks to the sponsor of our July Meetup and After Party!


****About NY Tech Meetup Monthly Meetup and After Party Sponsor****

Justworks frees entrepreneurs to focus on their business and their team. Its simple platform automates HR, payments, benefits, and government paperwork while saving companies up to 30% on healthcare. Headquartered in New York City, Justworks is funded by Bain Capital Ventures, Thrive Capital and Index Ventures. 

We invite members of the NY Tech Meetup community to save 15% off your first year.


Learn more at





****Debugging the Interview: Land a Junior Developer Job - July 8****

- Submitted by Lauren Stewart

So you're ready for your first job as a Junior Developer! Now you just have to ace the technical interview, crush a coding challenge, and woo the hiring manager in a culture-fit test. Luckily, we've got Startup Institute founder Shaun Johnson, and technical hiring manager Jake Adams of Branch Metrics joining us for a deep dive into the hiring process.


****Inaugural Ionic Framework Meetup - July 8****

- Submitted by Raquel Bujans

Welcome to our inaugural event! Come check us out Jul 8th at the new “LMHQ” space downtown and see some cool apps. This month we're going to cover the basics:
- What is the Ionic Framework?
- What are some cool things that have been built using it so far? (App demos)

- Networking/hanging out
If you'd like to demo your app, please shoot me a message in advance. Thanks!
Free entrance - nyc


****Startup Grind NYC Hosts Joel Spolsky, Founder of Stack Exchange - July 9****

- Submitted by Joshua Ness

Startup Grind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs. OnThursday, July 9, Startup Grind NYC will host Joel Spolsky, founder and CEO of Stack Exchange. Join fellow aspiring entrepreneurs for this fireside chat with food, drinks, and plenty of networking.


****Marketing Automation Day - July 9****

- Submitted by Radek Gawlas

The Marketing Automation Day is a one day (4 hours) meeting with top Marketing Automation specialists from SALESmanago. During this event you will learn how to use Marketing Automation tools and achieve better results in almost every digital marketing and sales field. You will learn how to deliver more sales ready leads to sales department, increase customer engagement and generate new higher revenue from marketing campaigns.
Free entrance - nyc


****Volunteers needed for LiveSafe User Testing – July 10****

-Submitted by Rivka Feinberg

NYC Friends - Need your help! This Friday LiveSafe will be conducting user testing this Friday 7/10 in NYC. We need post college students 21-30 years of age - female and male! Time requirement is jus 30 minutes with time slots available between 11am-3pm. Pick the time that works best for you!
Get a $35 visa gift card for participating and free snacks!
Location: 606 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036

Email Samier to confirm your attendance at [address removed]


****Startup Saturday Workshop - July 11****

-Submitted by David Yakobovitch

Join us, one and all, for our first Startup Saturday Workshop!
30 entrepreneurs, 4 subject matter experts (legal, digital marketing, business development, and funding), 3 hours, 2 meals, unlimited brainstorming!
Cost: $25/per person
When: Saturday, July 11th from 10am - 1pm.

Where: Coffee Foundry (186 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10014)


****Ethical Cybersecurity: Creating Safer Digital Spaces - July 13****

- Submitted by Eleanor Whitney

In a tech ecosystem rife with surveillance, trolling, and data mining that increasingly threaten the safety of techusers, it is paramount that developers emphasize security and empathy within their work as well as their personal lives. Join Dev Bootcamp for a discussion led by Noah Kelley on how to combat common security threats within code and culture while exploring a myriad of accessible tools to actively defend digital autonomy.


****Typography: Past, Present, and Future - July 14****

-Submitted by Hollie Haggans

Typography is the design and use of typefaces as a means of communication. Typography mediates most of what we read, sitting on the boundary of design and technology.  How did digital typography evolve to where it is today? How can the choice of fonts shape an experience? And what does the future hold? Come learn about typography from the former Product Manager of the Google Fonts project, Fil Zembowicz.


****Women & Body Image: Making It Fit - July 14****

-Submitted by Ernie Gerardo

Join us at LMHQ, the new venue for creative business in Lower Manhattan, for a discussion hosted by Whitney Joiner around the way women think about themselves, the clothes they wear and the way they present themselves in real life - and online.
We'll be at 150 Broadway, 20th Floor, NYC for an evening of cocktails and conversation.


****Dev Bootcamp July Open House and Info Session -July 14****

- Submitted by Eleanor Whitney

Join us for summertime refreshments and a glimpse into our 19-week bootcamp program that transforms beginners into full-stack web developers! Hear from alumni about why they chose Dev Bootcamp, what they learned, and what they did after Dev Bootcamp. Hear from staff and instructors about our educational style, resources, and application process.


****StrategyChat - Ushering Brands into the Future with Startups - July 14****

- Submitted by Joshua Ness

StrategyChat is a monthly discussion on timely marketing topics hosted by StrategyHack. Each month, we bring together a top-notch brand marketer and an entrepreneur to chat about an overarching theme. On Tuesday, July 14, we're hosting Tina Wung (Digital Strategy at Anheuser-Busch InBev) & Ben Hindman (CEO at Splash) to chat about how they have successfully helped each other grow their respective companies.


****The Growing Sharing Economy's Impact on Cities - July 15****

-Submitted by Ernie Gerardo

Join Zipcar, KitSplit, and the National League of Cities for a discussion about how the growing sharing economy is impacting cities.
How can cities collaborate with private companies to utilize proprietary data to support this growth?
Come for the conversation, stay for the drinks + networking afterwards.
LMHQ- Wednesday, July 15, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)


****July NY Enterprise Technology Meetup - July 15****

-Submitted by Jonathan Lehr

The July NY Enterprise Technology Meetup features demos from Semmle, Rocketrip, and Garrison Technology and a keynote by Salesforce Pledge 1%.  It will be held on Wednesday 7/15 from 6:30-9:00pm at Work-Bench where food, beer, wine and soda are provided.
The registration link is here -

****Unlock The Big Ones: Sales Executive Workshop - July 15****

-Submitted by Ben Hindman

The best sales executives are problem solvers for their clients. Join Tina Wung of Anheuser-Busch and Angela Long of Sundance as they and provide examples of great pitches and share how to best position yourself for client success. Discover how you can unlock the big ones during your next pitch with a prospective client.


****Markets Media FinTech at Summer Trading - July 15****

- Submitted by Allison

Our summit will focus on the most cutting-edge financial technology topics that are shaping the future of electronic trading -- spanning pre-trade, execution, and post-trade, including mobile, co-location, connectivity, transparency, and trade reporting, over the front, middle and back office. 
We’ll hear from CEOs of Fintech heavyweights, learn about the latest ideas from startups and emerging players in the space, and get the critical perspective from end users and venture capitalists.


****New York: Startup Institute Open Doors Party - #SIOpenDoors - July 16****

-Submitted by Declan Crowley

We're celebrating our current Summer 2015 cohort of dynamic individuals who are blazing a new path for themselves in the NYC startup and tech community. We're toasting our partner companies and community supporters - who repeatedly hire from our pool of passionate and driven graduates and help support us in our mission of creating a community of skilled, confident, and savvy startup employees.
*There will be beer, wine, and specialty cocktails, as well as apps and snacks.


****Startup Legal Bootcamp - July 16****

-Submitted by Joshua Wolkoff

Get started right! Cardozo Law School's Tech Startup Clinic and the New York City Bar Association will be holding a one-night *free* legal boot camp that will run through the legal basics that you'll need to know to start a successful Internet business. The program will cover entity formation, seed and angel financing, and also outline the best way to develop and protect your intellectual property and brand.


****PR for Nonprofits - July 16****

-Submitted by Janice Dru

"PR for Nonprofits" is the 5th event for the Nonprofit Executive Directors Group ( and, designed for current, former, and aspiring nonprofit leaders to discuss best practices and key topics relevant to nonprofits. On July 16th, panelists who are nonprofit executive directors or who have worked with nonprofits will give short presentations on Public Relations issues.


****The Healing Power of Stories: An exclusive luncheon at BlogHer '15 - July 17****

- Submitted by Melody Wilding

Are you a woman living with a chronic illness or caring for a someone with a medical condition or disability? Join us for a special afternoon luncheon of networking and valuable conversation at BlogHer 2015 in NYC July 17th. Meet and mingle with your community and share how blogging has helped you in your health journey. You'll also hear from a panel of successful women bloggers who've harnessed the healing power of stories to build a thriving community.


****HudsonHack: NYC Intern Edition – July 18- 19****

- Submitted by Lon Binder

Warby Parker is working with the City of New York and MKTG, INC to host the first-ever citywide intern hackathon competition—HudsonHack: NYC Intern Edition!

There will be about 200 interns representing the best organizations across the five boroughs, seeking bragging rights for their host companies (and themselves!). Participants will have the chance to work on any project of their choosing, including solving needs for some great non-profits that will also be in attendance.  Judges include: Minerva Tantoco, Shelley Leibowitz, and Alan Wade.


Interns can sign up at:


****DevCON 5 HTML5 and Mobile App Developer Conference  - July 20- 22****

-Submitted by Joann Varello

Hear how to leverage the most effective tools, frameworks and developer solutions to ensure the success of your HTML5 or mobile app project. DevCon5 discussions focus on JavaScript, frameworks, user metrics, responsive design, web services, UE, and more. Learn how to develop to ensure superior user experience as well as scalability and an app that can be monetized and scale to thousands of users.

Register here and use code NYTM to save 15%



****NUI Central Presents: Exploring Reality-Based Interactions and Brain-Computer Interfaces - July 20****

- Submitted by Deb Benkler

First, we're exploring how Reality-Based Interactions (RBI) tie together emerging interaction styles and create opportunities for system designers. Then we'll look beyond reality-based interaction and discuss the feasibility of brain and body sensors as inputs to interactive systems. We'll see some examples of both and explore implications for the future of natural user interfaces.


****Power Tools & Magic Buttons: Making Games Without the Mess by Artist Kent Sheely - July 20****

- Submitted by Eleanor Whitney

Dev Bootcamp hosts Intermedia artist Kent Sheely, who will demonstrate some of the games and interactive artworks he's created, and will highlight some of the applications and techniques he's used to make them. He'll also show you why accessible software is crucial for independent developers and for giving a voice to anyone with ideas to share with the world.


****BSC Event: July Be Social Change Happy Hour with Net Impact NYC - July 21****

- Submitted by Jayme

Join Be Social Change + Net Impact New York City for our next Happy Hour to connect with our diverse community of purpose-driven professionals, entrepreneurs, educators, creatives, investors, non-profits, and social enterprises! Share your ideas and passions, network with inspiring people wanting to change the world, and learn about opportunities for professional development and creating impact!


****LiquidTalent Bootcamp Panel - July 22****

-Submitted by Kanwal Jehan

LiquidTalent presents to you its first alumni bootcamp panel. We will be bringing five alumni from bootcamps such as General Assembly, App Academy, Fullstack Academy, StartUp Institute and Dev Bootcamp to share their tech bootcamp journeys with you. Get ready to receive insight into career accelerators that can help you either career transition or gain more skills. This event is for you if you are a programmer or a designer who wants to gain more hard skills and portfolio building opportunities.


****Live. Give. Dance: Roomi Launch @ Verboten - July 23- 24****

-Submitted by Mariam Allehbi

New York City's hottest new tech startup Roomi is throwing the party of the summer to celebrate our launch with our awesome members and community. We'll be living it up, drinking and dancing all night at Verboten on July 23, 2015. Meet others in the NYC tech industry and learn about our new partnership with New Story, nonprofit dedicated to eradicating homelessness.


****ENGAGE: The NYC Digital Storytelling Conference 2015 - July 29****

-Submitted by Kenny Midgley

You know that adept digital storytelling is key to successfully creating an organic community. That’s true whether you’re a publisher, tech company or brand. But tech and trends are radically different today than just a year ago. Everything from contextual and native advertising to branded entertainment to sharable content is changing at the speed of light. Maybe a little faster. How do you keep up?


****LiquidTalent Presents at Social Enterprise Technology Workshop - July 29****

-Submitted by Kanwal Jehan

Technology skills and access are key to participating in the global digital economy. Without this understanding and opportunity, many will be left behind while others experience exponential growth. In this topic, we’re looking for organizations that help otherwise marginalized communities plug into and benefit from the digital economy.
Fill out the application to reserve a spot.


****Career Discovery in Cyber Security: A Women's Symposium - July 30****

- Submitted by Elisabeth M

A full day of hands-on learning, speed mentoring, network sessions and “a day in the life” talks aimed at improving the pipeline for women into the cyber security industry. Female leaders from the field will be presenting and mentoring. The event is designed for mid-career professionals switching tracks, university students choosing a direction, and high school seniors exploring options.


****Ask Me Anything with Dev Bootcamp Alumni: Careers, Job Search, and Teamwork - August 6****

-Submitted by Eleanor Whitney

What happens after coding bootcamp? Join us for a lively panel discussion with alumni from Dev Bootcamp's New York Campus. They will be joined members of our career services team to discuss what kinds of jobs Dev Bootcamp grads get, what kinds of companies they work for, and what their post-Dev Bootcamp work lives are like.


****The Product Group August 2015 - August 6****

-Submitted by Nancy Tubbs

Join us as The Product Group August 2015 with Featured Product: Researchscape and great roundtable conversations! RSVP @
FREE, must RSVP to attend.
Presented by The Product Group


****Downtown Tech Community Summer Social with Dev Bootcamp - August 10****

-Submitted by Eleanor Whitney

Join us to celebrate a new generation of web developers who are changing the face of technology in New York City. Hear lightening talks from Dev Bootcamp graduates, learn about and network with organizations and companies who are building new opportunities in the tech space like Two Weeks Notice and Write/Speak/Code, and enjoy a summer drink at LMHQ, Lower Manhattan's newest collaboration space.


****BSC Event: August Be Social Change Happy Hour w/ The Awesome Foundation NYC - August 18****

- Submitted by Jayme

Join Be Social Change + Net Impact New York City for our July Be Social Change Happy Hour to connect with our diverse community of purpose-driven professionals, entrepreneurs, educators, creatives, investors, non-profits, and social enterprises! Share your ideas and passions, network with inspiring people wanting to change the world, and learn about opportunities for professional development and creating impact!


****Bloomberg Data for Good Exchange - September 28****

-Submitted by Kathryn Kelly

Bloomberg is hosting the Data for Good Exchange (D4GX).The goal of this initiative is to connect data scientists, both academic and industry, with the NGO, public sector and non-profit partners who can benefit most from applied data science. At the D4GX they will share success stories, challenges and visions for the future of applications of data science to problems around social good. We invite members of these communities to participate in the call for papers and join the discourse.


****Code Enterprise Series: New York - September 29****

-Submitted by Natalie Fonseca

Taking place September 29, 2015, Code/Enterprise Series: New York will offer insights and analysis about the enterprise technology market – delivered in Re/code's trademark straight-shooting style.




****Submit Your Nominees for City & State Reports****

-Submitted by Andrew Rasiej

City & State Reports is officially accepting nominees for its July 29th awards ceremony to honor outstanding professionals from New York's Technology, Telecommunications & New Media sectors. The breakfast event will also feature a "Thought Leadership" panel discussion on Corporate Social Responsibility. To RSVP click here. For more information on City & State reports visit


****Join the US Digital Service****

-Submitted by Deepika Kunapuli

The U.S. Digital Service and 18F are using the best of product design and engineering practices to transform the way government works for the American people. In every corner of government, we join forces with the many passionate and talented tech professionals within agencies who are dedicated to public service. Together, teams of America’s most capable problem solvers are striving to make critical services — like healthcare, student loans, immigration, and Veterans' benefits — dramatically simpler, better, and more efficient. But we can’t do it without you. Will you join us?

Learn more at


****Calling NYC Startups- Join us in Montreal for Startupfest – July 15-18***

-Submitted by Pamela Perrotti

Hey NYC, we want you to come to Montreal this summer, July 15-18, for Startupfest, (Canada's largest Startup event in one of the hottest startup cities), so we've packaged up something special for the entire New York Startup community.

The first 50 people to sign up are getting an incredible deal, for $150 we'll bring you up to Montreal from New York City (and back) on a coach bus, AND give you a pass to the Festival (value of $467+travel costs). You read that correctly, round trip travel + Festival pass= $150.

Once at the festival, you will get free demo space in a tent dedicated to NYC startups, access to all of the conferences, and all of the parties. 

We need a minimum number of people to make this viable. So tell your friends, share with your networks, and let's get a great group from New York up to Canada's largest Startup event. 

Register today to reserve your spot, only 50 seats available:


****Great Tech Awards 2015- DEADLINE- July 31****

-Submitted by Jane Betchley


The third annual GREAT Tech Awards encourages high growth tech companies in the Northeast USA to select the IK as destination of choice for international expansion.


Six innovative companies, selected by a panel of prestigious judges and advisors, will win a roundtrip flight to London courtesy of British Airways; five nights accommodation, valuable professional services, mentorship and high-level meetings with government officials and development specialists.


Competition categories include CleanTech, EdTech, FinTech, Health, Lifestyle, Media, Best of USA and Best of British.


Applications are open now! Apply before the deadline on July 31st at


****Apply for 30 Weeks – A New Founders Program for Designers – Deadline July 10****

30 Weeks is a new program - part incubator/part education program - that gives talented designers the hands-on experience, tools, workspace, and connections to the communities they need to create products and start companies that may just change the world. The program is operated by Hyper Island, and supported by Google in partnership with School of Visual Arts, Parsons, Pratt, The Cooper Union and some of the smartest minds in design, tech, business and venture capital.

The application deadline is June 10th. Apply here:




Thank You to Our Sponsors!


Founding Sponsors:

Gotham Ventures

Wilson Sonsini


Annual Premier Sponsor:



Annual Sustaining Sponsors:







MLB Advanced Media



Annual Supporting Sponsors:



Live Event Video Stream Provided By:

MLB Advanced Media


Closed Captioning of Live Video Stream Provided By:





Page for Applying to

Page for Made in NYC Info and

Site for

Newsletter Submissions:



Jessica Lawrence, Executive Director: [address removed]

Andy Saldaña, Director of Operations[address removed]

Casey Taylor, Community Manager[address removed]




@jessicalawrence (Jessica)

@cholocouture (Andy)

@casatay (Casey)





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