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Re: [newtech-1] Secure CRM question

From: Mohammad S.
Sent on: Monday, February 22, 2016, 9:25 AM
Hi Jules - 

A quick Filemaker database may suffice. It’s PC and MAC (and Mobile) compatible. It can be setup on the user’s workstation (since they’re the only intended user) or it can be hosted. Filemaker comes with a number of standard out of the box templates, or the CRM can be built and customized from scratch. 

I can help with any development and hosting, if needed. 

Hope this helps

Mohammad Soliman | President
(917)[masked] | [address removed] |

On Feb 22, 2016, at 9:00 AM, Jules <[address removed]> wrote:

I thought I could turn to our wonderful community for suggestions on a secure CRM.

Here is the case: 
An army exec in a country where there is no army intelligence network wants to have his own private database to save and quickly access profiles and notes about everyone. So far he is the only intended user. 

Anyone has any ideas of what would be the best secure solution for this? It could be privately hosted online but needs to be accessible on a computer offline. I wonder if using some kind of secure CRM is the answer or some desktop application (if possible mac compatible)? 

Let me know. Thanks. 

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