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NYC Don't Break Our Phones Rally - Tuesday 5pm - Apple Store

From: Joly M.
Sent on: Monday, February 22, 2016, 3:35 PM

David Moore ​writes: 
This Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, at 5pm, feel free to join me at the 5th Ave. Apple Store for a privacy & security rally:
​ ​ - it’s organized by a coalition of civil liberties groups,  supporting Apple’s decision on user privacy vs. the FBI’s precedent-seeking actions,  with that hub website put together by my sibling non-profit Fight For the Future. 
 (There’s been lots of coverage of this in Civicist, and actually it’s been a hot topic for callers to WNYC's Brian Lehrer show here in the tri-state region, but just for one articulation of what’s at stake with this precedent, Julian Sanchez:
​ )​


Joly MacFie  [masked] Skype:punkcast

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