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Re: [newtech-1] Seeking iOS Technical Co-Founder

From: Danita W.
Sent on: Monday, August 22, 2016, 10:31 PM
I assume that would be a waste of time because the Android app would have to be rebuilt and the time spent building the hybrid app would be time spent not improving the iOS one.

Thank you!

Danita Walton
Founder, Play + Chance

P.S. If you don't have plans we're hosting this great event in Pittsburgh on September 28th called Way Back Wednesday. I'd love to see you there!

Not in Pittsburgh? Click here to see our full event calendar, and connect with amazing professionals in your city.

On Mon, Aug 22,[masked]:19 PM, EddieN [address removed] wrote:
Just thinking out loud, but I wonder: being that it is important to have an app on both of the major platforms (iOS and Android), would it make economic sense to build one app on a native platform, and build an app using a cross-platform library for the other platform? So build a native iOS app and use any hybrid app library to build the Android version too? That way, you have the app available on both platforms at once right now, then while you're promoting the iOS app, you can have some space to rebuild the iOS app on native Android?

Does this make any sense, or am I just flat-out wrong?


On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 9:48 PM, Danita Walton <[address removed]> wrote:

@Aaron -- thank you for the recommendation!
@Pleurat -- thank you for confirming what I was thinking!

Thank you!

Danita Walton
Founder, Play + Chance

P.S. If you don't have plans we're hosting this great event in Pittsburgh on September 28th called Way Back Wednesday. I'd love to see you there!

Not in Pittsburgh? Click here to see our full event calendar, and connect with amazing professionals in your city.

On Mon, Aug 22,[masked]:45 AM, Aaron Welch [address removed] wrote:
Coalition for Queens is a good resource for entry level mobile devs:


On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Pleurat Hundozi <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Danita,

You will not be able to have a fully functioning dating app with a non-native app. Not even what Federico is describing. 

You will need to use all of the features of the phone, including geolocation, and not to drain you battery in two hours. You will need to have separate iOS and Android apps built. It will take longer to build your app, it will cost you more, but you will have a working app.



From: [address removed] <[address removed]> on behalf of Federico Ramallo <[address removed]>
Sent: Friday, August 19,[masked]:42 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [newtech-1] Seeking iOS Technical Co-Founder
Hi Danita,

I agree with you. hybrid apps suck. I tested most hybrid app frameworks in the past and they suck. The UI is slow, sluggish and has low frame rates.
Furthermore, The UI is html that looks like native and it gets outdated really fast.
So I never recommended to use them.

On the other hand react native is javascript code that generates swift or Java code. It uses native components.
I achieved 60 fps on simple animations. Something unthinkable using html.

I don’t know the specific behavior so It’s hard to know if it’s a good fit.
Some examples where it is good fit are:

* Facebook groups app. It’s done with react native
F8 2016 conference app
F8 2016 conference app, with detailed tutorial. Relay, GraphQL. Uses local Mongo/Parse server. Tagged FlowType, FullStack, GraphQL, ReactNative, Redux, Tutorial.
* tracking portland buses realtime

apps like games, Sleep cycle or Google Earth are not a good fit.

Federico Ramallo

On Aug 17, 2016, at 10:20 PM, Danita Walton <[address removed]> wrote:

@Les -- they download apps more and from what I can see from the people who visit my site the majority tend to use iOS 

@Frederico -- the more I talk through it with developers the more set I am on native iOS, considering the functionality of what we want to do. If we built a hybrid app we most likely would have to rebuild down the line. if I change my mind react is the way I would go because I've heard great things. In fact as recently as a few days ago I thought maybe we could go that route because it's faster, but again after talking through it, for what we want to do right now it's a 90% likelihood that we're going with native. Thank you for reaching out though!

Danita Walton
Founder, Play + Chance

P.S. If you don't have plans we're hosting this great event in Pittsburgh on September 28th called Way Back Wednesday. I'd love to see you there!

Not in Pittsburgh? Click here to see our full event calendar, and connect with amazing professionals in your city.

On Wed, Aug 17,[masked]:31 PM, Les Gartner [address removed] wrote:
"iOS Technical Co-founder" - I love how we've gotten to a point where the co-founder is defined by the target mobile operating system.

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:02 AM, Danita Walton <[address removed]> wrote:

I'm the founder of an early stage dating/social networking startup and we're seeking a technical co-founder to build our MVP. The app has been started, but we need someone who understands the vision to lead the development and help us finish it. Please don't write us off simply because you see the word "dating". We've put a lot of thought, effort and research into it. We have a solid go to market plan, and have already started building a database of future users. 

I'm a matchmaker and dating coach seeking to combat what I see as an increasingly lonely society addicted to technologies that only exacerbate the situation. The vision goes beyond dating, but dating is step 1 and the proof of concept.

The position is paid, not much, but paid nonetheless. We've received amazing feedback thus far, and are intentionally bootstrapping. It's a great concept that we've validated, and tested as best we can without the actual app. We're open to a responsive web app, but would prefer native iOS due to location services.

If you know any students or recent grads who are looking to take on a cool challenge, or if you yourself are looking to move into a different field, please send me an email and we can set up a time to speak.

Thank you!


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Aaron Welch
SVP of Product
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Loving (selected for the 2016 Palme d'Or at Cannes), to be released Nov. 4, 2016. See the trailer here.

Loving Day on, in TIME Magazine, on, and on facebook!

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. -- Bill Gates

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