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(Please Share) Tech Event for Educators, School Administrators and Youth focused nonprofits

From: Chike U.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 5:34 PM


Please join us at our upcoming EdTech event, titled 'Engaging Learners Through Tech Innovation', for faculty, instructors, administrators and nonprofit organizations that work with youth.

For more details and to RSVP please visit -

Event will hold tomorrow, Wednesday, August 24th, 2016, at The Exhibit Room of The Grove School of Engineering at The City College of New York, from 5pm till 8:30pm. Free Seats available but Limited.

The EdTech Series is an interactive pitch series focused on working with educators to creatively engage students and learners using innovative tech apps and platforms. Five Startup52 founders will demo their ventures to an audience of high school and post-high school educators, youth/education focused nonprofit organizations, service providers and higher institution administrators.
Demo pitches will be followed by an interactive Q&A session with audience to learn more about how their products work as well as feedback from the audience on product application and use.
These founders are innovating in education-tech spaces using marketplaces, artificial intelligence, social media and a search engine to increase institutional, classroom and learner engagement levels.

If not interested, I apologize for the bother. Please feel free to share the event with others. 

Finally, Startup52 Demo Day at Microsoft NYC is coming up on September 7th. Please RSVP Here and share with others too.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday.


Chike Ukaegbu

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