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Looking for some guidance.

From: Ian B.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 7:21 PM
Hey everybody,

I have found myself in a situation that I imagine is not all too uncommon with younger entrepreneurs and I'm looking for a bit of advice. 

Almost a year ago my friends and I had gotten together to do a project which we were going to try and turn into a business. In that time one of them and myself decided to stop college and work at start-ups as developers to see how an early-stage company is run and turn it into knowledge for ourselves. It was of-course good to have some money, lawyers and other services are not cheap and the first hand experience has been invaluable. 

Anyway, fast-foward to now. We solidified the idea and have had some validation and have been working in the time we have outside of our jobs to get something out there, we're getting closer, but we would love to be working full time on the project. The issue we've been having is we're in our first professional jobs and haven't had nearly enough time with the various debts and bills (rent, medical, etc) to have saved up a decent enough nest egg to quit for a few months. 

On the other end we're also too young to have built an extensive network. I've been networking at events almost every week now, and have made some connections with investors who are in seed and series A financing, but we are most definitely in an Angel state at the moment. 

I guess what I am asking is what are some ways we could get ourselves on this full time, even just one of us? If anyone knows of grants or accelerators that would help with the living expense side of things and let us focus on the main product that would also be awesome. 

I've been looking into competitions that have sub-100k prizes, but in the tens of thousands range that would give us a few months of autonomy.

Any pointers in the right direction would be really helpful and really appreciated, its our biggest impediment at the moment. 

The project is which has a very succinct video explanation

Thank you all very much,
Ian T Butler

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