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Re: Apple forbids Flash (was Re: [newtech-1] Re: iPad ready sites

From: Dave
Sent on: Saturday, April 17, 2010, 2:13 PM
It's not a simple yes or no answer.? If Flash is on its way to being made open source, as Ross says, simply saying "no" doesn't tell the whole story.? Clearly you're not interested in a real answer, because if you were looking for merely a "yes" or a "no", you can answer your own question.? He gave you a real answer, to which you show no interest in entertaining.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Michael Mellinger <[address removed]> wrote:
I just asked if Flash was open source. ?Wasn't looking for a long
philosophical discussion.

A simple 'no' would have sufficed.


On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Ross Sclafani <[address removed]> wrote:
> not completely yet, but its moving in that direction with a highly public commitment by adobe.
> the real lesson in this is that flash and air technology are stepping away from dominating the web in favor of a more application-centric approach.
> this is why steve jobs is trying to keep flash out of the ipod sandbox.
> it has nothing to do with swf vs html5 and a lot more to do with swf vs. ipa
> swf is still the choice for faithful recreation of visual design on the Web, and until @font-face happens and cross-browser rendering differences are greatly reduced if not eliminated that will remain the case.
> as for interactivity, javascript is "good enough" with canvas and webgl to stand up to sophisticated actionscript user experiences, although from the developer's standpoint, as3 is a far more enjoyable and productive way to create reusable code and employ modern programming techniques.
> bottom line is Web development is a headache. either you're dealing with cross-browser incompatibilities, ugly code, non-extensibility, inconsistent visual experiences or youre dealing with flash, with its own set of annoyances.
> its a matter of visual control. the Web is not really meant to provide visual control, but rather access to information. this is why a visually oriented technology like flash has always been a shoehorn and met so much resistance. this is not going to change.
> web designers willing to relinquish visual specificity will be content with the standards-based offerings, and enjoy all of their benefits to searchability, accessibility, etc.
> web designers that want the exact control that flash offers are in fact application designers looking to deploy their applications on the web.
> there is plenty of room for both, just not on the iPlatform.
> but really mike, i don't understand your passion for this argument. is somebody trying to make you use flash?
> _r
> On Apr 17, 2010, at 1:03 PM, Michael Mellinger wrote:
>> So, it is open source?
>> -Mike

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