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What we’re about

The AI Salon NYC Meetup
Join the AI Salon (International)

At AI Salon, we believe in being proactive explorers, not passive observers, in the expansive AI frontier. The After Hours in-person meetup is the place where conversations deepen, ideas percolate, and connections spark.

AI Salon Adventurers are not afraid to dive into the countless tools of generative technology. Anyone curious about the immense potential of these technologies belongs in our community. Here, we're all learners, contributors, and teachers in our own right.

Who We Are
The AI Salon is a ragtag group of misfits, ne'er-do-wells, and miscreants who have gathered to explore the uncharted wilderness of Generative AI. We are everyone - from entrepreneurs to educators, from healthcare workers to creatives, and everyone in between.

Why We Are Here
We are being called on an adventure. Just like the WWW exploded onto the scene in the mid-90’s, the launch of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022 shook the world. We felt the rumble. We heeded the call, and set out together to discover the source.

How We Explore
We band together online and in-person to share our discoveries so that we might aid our fellow adventurers. In these gatherings, we geek out, explore, and learn together, paving the way for innovative ideas and groundbreaking projects in the vast frontier that lies ahead.

What We Seek
Together, we shape a vision and create a future that embraces the unknown and leads us to personal rediscovery, professional reinvention, and extraordinary experiences.

Our Values
Do you think you might be an AI Adventurer, too? Do our values resonate with you? If so, we're thrilled to have you on this wild ride!

Join us on the adventure!

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