What we’re about
We welcome those who support pits, even if you aren't NYC residents or pit bull owners!
** NYC meetups for Pit bulls / Pit mixes (staffs, rescues, etc) every Saturday or Sunday throughout whole year. **
We meet at various parks and dog runs, dog-friendly restaurants, take walks along rivers and bridges, and through New York City neighborhoods. A great opportunity to socialize your dogs in a welcoming and helpful environment. Options abound for people with dog-aggressive pits who still want to get out and meet people, and get your dog exercise. We hold both on-leash and off-leash meetups, and a variety of events in many boroughs of NYC.
Chance to meet people who love their pits, want to have fun, & want to get rid of ugly untrue stereotypes surrounding the breed. Find tips that will aid in stopping unwanted behaviors, and get advice from other pit bull owners.
There are always adoptable pit bulls listed on our site. If you are interested in adopting or fostering a pit bull, there are so many dogs who need a loving home. Join our group to get info on becoming a foster parent. View tons of adoptable pit bulls that are available TODAY!
FOUND A PIT BULL? Go to our "Pages" tab at the top of the site. Scroll down to find the link "Found a Pit Bull?" in red lettering. This section will contain info about what to do with a found/abandoned dog, or a dog that needs re-homing. You will find resources for contacting rescues / shelters about homeless pits. Access and print out an "Adoption Contract" which enables you to re-home a pit bull safely. Join the group to post the homeless pit bull on our site, and send an urgent plea for help to members. Also under the "Pages" tab - Find Spay/Neuter information including FREE clinics in your area, and the clinic schedules.
We promote responsible pit bull ownership in 4 Steps -
Spay/Neuter, Socialization, Training, Exercise
More reasons to Join:
- Message Board for discussion
- NYC dog events
- BSL (breed specific legislation) updates
- Trainers & obedience classes
- Help finding an apartment with a pit bull
- Health & vet care, Financial Aid
- Rescue and volunteer info
-Learn why a pit bull may - or may not be - the right dog for YOU
-Suffered the loss of a pit? Get help with the grieving process. Share your story, it can be permanently displayed on the site.
-Behavioral Issues? Discuss with members, get tips.
-Read about pits in the news!
Get advice from members, talk with trainers and owners with extensive pit bull experience. See stories, photos, and videos of pit bulls living the good life. Send me your adoption story, I'll post on site. Become a member (it's free).
Photo below is from our recent "Kong Stuffing Party" which took place on the last day of our NYC Pit Bull Group's kong drive for shelter dogs. We collected over 1,800 kong toys that were distributed to many shelters in NYC and surrounding areas. Read about what our group accomplished in The Daily News article about the drive...