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Claudia Joseph added a post

From: Claudia J.
Sent on: Monday, June 14, 2010, 2:41 PM

Register now ? Course begins July 17

12 Sessions: July 17 & 18, July 31 & August 1, September 25 & 236, October 2 & 3, October 16, October 23 and November 7

Claudia Joseph, lead teacher
Guest teachers: Jono Neiger, Phil Forsyth and many more

Saturdays 9am ? 4pm & Sundays 10am ? 4pm

Location: The Old Stone House in Park Slope, Brooklyn (most dates)
And the 6th Street Community Center in the Lower East Side of Manhattan

Fee: $1,150 discount for registration before July 1
Full payment is required to receive a discount.
Scholarships and work trade will be considered for those who qualify.
To register contact: [address removed]

Description: This course will provide a toolbox of strategies for design on the personal, professional and community level. Students will learn about the fundamental systems that support NYC and gain hands-on experience at a model ecological center in Park Slope, Brooklyn. The greater NYC community will be examined on the local and global level and our culture?s sustainability will be compared to others around the world. This course embraces both modern technologies and ancient traditions, utilizing the techniques that bring satisfaction to our lives and are economical in the truest sense of the word. Permaculture provides the keys to right livelihood and positive action for a lifetime.

For information contact: The Old Stone House: [address removed]
(718)[masked] P.O. Box[masked] Brooklyn, NY 11215

Or visit:

Permaculture is more than just good gardening. It is a lifelong approach to analysis, action and social structures that result in better relationships, more functional systems and a
clearer understanding of everything necessary for human communities to thrive.

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