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Lecture: Educating for Sustainability: With the Brain in Mind, April 18, 6 pm, Ramapo College of New Jersey

From: Ashwani V.
Sent on: Saturday, April 13, 2013, 1:21 PM

What kind of thinking is driving us to behave so that we crash  the systems we depend on? And what kind of thinking would give  us the fighting chance to become Sustain-Able?


The Master of Arts in Sustainability Studies (MASS) Program presents:


Jaimie Cloud, Ph.D.


"Educating for Sustainability: With the Brain in Mind"


April 18,[masked]:30 p.m. Alumni Lounge


Ramapo College of New Jersey


Jaimie P. Cloud, a pioneer of Education for Sustainability in the U.S, is the founder and president of the Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education in New York City.  Among many important projects, the Cloud Institute has played an essential role introducing sustainability into New Jersey school curricula.  A current initiative, the NJ Learns Program, is supported by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation; it aims to link school and community efforts to promote sustainability.


Ms. Cloud writes and publishes extensively, and consults, coaches and teaches in schools and school districts around the country and globe.  Ms. Cloud is a Founder and Principal Partner with Peter Senge of the Society for Organizational Learning (SOL) Education Partnership and is involved in a wide array of additional sustainability organizations.  


Sponsored by MASS: Masters of Arts in Sustainability Studies Creating a Sustainable World: Voices of Key Practitioners Last of seven presentations at Ramapo College of New Jersey in  spring term 2013   


Free and Open to the Public


For more information: Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D., Professor of Environmental Psychology, Programs in Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Ramapo College of N.J.  [address removed]


     Vasishth       [address removed]          (201)[masked]
         Associate Professor, Environmental Planning
      Director, Master of Arts in Sustainability Studies

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