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New Meetup: Free Urban Gardening Class

From: Ke X.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 6:18 PM
What: Free Urban Gardening Class

When: Sunday, April 25, 2010
3:00 PM

Open Road Community Garden
420 E 12th St New York, NY
New York, NY 10009

In this week's class, we'll go over the details of constructing raised bed gardens, container gardens, and garden watering systems. Additionally, we will be answering any gardening related questions that people might have.

Who: Ke Xu (Suburban Backyard Gardener and Permaculture Designer)

Cost: Free to attend. Optional Fee of up to 5 dollars.

Sponsors: Brooklyn Perennials, Green Phoenix, Harlem Harvest, Upper Green Side, Green Apple

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