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Meetup details changed: Sharing Wisdom - Meet & Greet & More, 6-9 PM, Tues - Oct 18th

From: Joel E. (.
Sent on: Monday, October 10, 2011, 4:12 PM


We had an amazing turnout last month.  Many of you stayed until well after the event was over.  Your participation and amazing energy helps us keep growing and getting better. 

This month we look forward to exploring the past, present and future of LOVE.

I hope you can join us.





Wisdom -


Meet & Greet




Sharing Wisdom, our monthly meet and greet and presentation series has been on-going for several years now.  It is a wonderful opportunity to meet a bunch of like-minded people, to get acquainted and share warmth, energy and wisdom.

In addition to wonderful conversation and some marvelous teas, we will typically have 3 different speakers give a 20-30 minute presentation about their area of expertise. The presentation can take the form of a short talk or a more experiential demonstration. It is wonderful way to acquire a little bit of knowledge about various forms of alternative health, holistic practices, bodywork, energywork and more.


Schedule (Exact timing may vary)

6PM - mingle, meet and greet, chat. 

7PM - Presenters

9PM, winding down



Once again we will be meeting at the lovely, JujoMukti Tea Lounge in the East Village.  JujoMukti serves amazing teas, a little bit of food,in a rich, visual setting full of warmth and energy.  To help us support the space and allow us to continue to use it, we will be charging $5.00 to all attendees.  The monies will be counted towards the purchase of any pots of teas to drink or other beverages.

We'll also be able to sample and purchase some wonderful Indian finger food from Mukti Banerjee, the Organizer of Mukti's Kitchen .  Mukti is a beautiful presence who makes cooking healthy Indian food simple, easy and fun.


The list of speakers will usually be announced a week or two in advance.  Please stay tuned to these pages for more details.

  • Melody Kiersz - Naked Wellness (& Tantra)
  • Donna Torbico - Inner Child Work
  • David Parke - Open Hearts


01)  Melody Kiersz - Naked Wellness (& Tantra)

Turn yourself on. Shed all inhibitions, self-limiting beliefs and societal/environmental blocks, and give yourself permission to tap into who you really are. Let go of all the reasons why not, and allow yourself to be the embodied, empowered and eminently attractive being you already are, but are covering up.

Allow yourself the health, passion, freedom, joy and pleasure that are your birth right.

The Naked Wellness method is a combination of Taoist, Tantric, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and self-love practices that empower us to stop running and hiding from the parts of ourselves we don’t like, and find pleasure in discovering new ways to love ourselves more.

As a result of our growing love and connection to ourselves, we are more comfortable taking risks in our relationships with others. Making ourselves vulnerable is no longer so scary. These are the ingredients to build the intimacy (in-to-mee-see) we seek, in any kind of relationship.

Ultimately, this method leads us to find the juice in every moment, making each second into an opportunity for pleasure and connection.

Melody Kiersz is a Self-Love & Intimacy Coach, Inspirational Speaker and Professional Celebrator of Life. Her intuitive sessions are a combination of healing approaches that address our being on the level of the body, the mind, the heart and the soul by incorporating counseling, breathwork, movement and meditation.
Melody specializes in healing our relationship with our sexuality, our bodies, our selves and others, improving body image and self-esteem, increasing our ability to speak up, share, and allow ourselves to feel. As the Founder of Naked Wellness, her goal is to guide you as you peel all those layers of resistance so you can turn yourself on for a life full of health, passion, power, freedom, joy and pleasure.


02)  Donna Torbico - Let Your Inner Child Shine

How well acquainted are you with your core parts? 
Many people go through life run by a combination of their Wounded Inner Child & Critical Parent voices - screaming, angry, hurt, timid, trying to please, or perhaps acting superior…..   One of the most vital missions in life is to provide security, love, health & peace to our Inner Child so we can become our True Self.

This evening I invite you to:
1. Participate in a brief visualization that can allow you to get in touch with your younger self - who wants to be seen, heard & to shine - Your "Star Child"!

2. Share in some of the tools I use in my work with ACoAs (anyone growing up with alcoholics or other narcissists).  Each of us personally knows and has worked with someone who comes from an addictive background. You will learn things that will help you understand why they react and function the way they do, which you can apply to your interactions with them & perhaps for yourself.

I help people Recover from childhood trauma by teaching them to develop a Loving Parent voice that can nurture their wounded part, allowing it to heal & then blossom.

Join us for a brief & interesting trip into our most wonderful inner world & come away with great information & feeling relaxed.

Donna M. Torbico - 25 yrs experience 
HEAL & GROW for ACoAs:  Transformative therapy for adults from alcoholic & other narcissistic families.  Learn how to think clearer, to like who you are, feel safer with others, express your talents & have fun.

FREE intro:[masked], [address removed]
SITE:        BLOG:


Speaker 03 - David Parke - Open Hearts - Details to be announced


And I'm always looking for new presenters.  If you or someone you know would like to give a talk, please contact me.


I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Meetup.



Joel Elfman - Hypnosis, NLP, Coaching, Massage, Bodywork & Energywork

TranceForming Changes - Mind & Body

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