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Spirit Talks-This Sunday, May 20th-With Joe Monkman-4-6pm-Still Room To Join Us!

From: Vandana Atara A.
Sent on: Saturday, May 19, 2012, 6:59 PM

Spirit Talks


Trance Channeler Joe Monkman Returns from his travels to shed some light on our life path?

Joe invites in master teachers from Yogananada To Sananda to the spirit realm of loved ones who have passed on.

Would you like to communicate with Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Ancestors?

Join us in an evening of 'Table Tipping', a form of Physical Mediumship.

Bring your questions and your open heart and mind as you communicate with loved ones and others from the invisible planes.

You never know who will come to Visit Us!

When: Sun,May 20th, 4-6pm
Where: TRS, 44 E. 32nd S.t, 11th Fl, (near Park Ave.)
Registration: Text your name and 'Spirit Talks' to[masked]
Your Investment: $25 payable at the door-RSVP Here! Space Is Limited!


Joe Monkman is a shamanic practitioner and teacher. His innovative style assists individuals and organizations around the world in moving beyond habitual distractions, rediscovering powerful tools for clarity and decision-making, and realigning with their passion and purpose.

Joe’s interest in the healing arts and a deep desire for personal change led to the start of his spiritual journey in 1990. His quest took him from the Amazon jungle of Peru to the asphalt jungle of New York City. What followed was the creation of ceremonies and workshops that inspire people to live their rich vision. For more information, and to book a group or private session with Joe, please visit or call [masked].

Blessings From Spirit!
Joe Monkman


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