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What we’re about

The New York Power Team is a personal growth and leadership community that empowers its members to lead inspiring, authentic, and fulfilling lives. We are a fast-growing group of leaders and luminaries from every walk of life, and we focus on growth and mastery in 6 core areas of life:

  • Business/Career/Financial
  • Relationships - Personal and Professional
  • Emotional Well Being
  • Intellectual/Mental/Learning
  • Health/Fitness/Healing
  • Spiritual/Contribution/Ethical

The commonality here is simply that we are committed to personal and professional growth and improvement. We are working together to share ideas that get results as simply and efficiently as possible!

The New York Power Team is a great fit for anyone who is looking to:

  • Take charge of their life and achieve their goals
  • Connect with other success-driven individuals
  • Learn from experienced leaders and mentors
  • Grow and develop in all areas of their life

If you are ready to take your life to the next level, then the New York Power Team is the place for you. Join us today and start living the life you were meant to live!

"One of the greatest expectations on who we are becoming, is the expectations of our peer group." ~Tony Robbins

Upcoming events (3)

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