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Re: [ocpug] Presentation topic?

From: Nick S.
Sent on: Saturday, August 25, 2012, 8:09 PM
Hi all!,

If the decision ends up being the virtualenv/pip or git topics, I could certainly provide some input. By no means am I in a position to fully present on the topic, but I use virtualenv every day for my django projects and have some neat trick/tips for getting your environment set up. I also use github for all of my git repositories and exclusively use git pull to deploy my projects on my production server. 

So, that said, I can provide input on my specific use case which is: developing django projects locally on osx, version controlling those projects using github, and using github to get my local changes pulled down to the production server.

Hope I can make it to the next meetup. 

Nick Siemsen
[address removed]

On Aug 20, 2012, at 2:58 PM, John Sheehan wrote:

I've finally had a chance over the last few weekends to to do a little python coding, working with cherrypy and sending json back and forth from a browser to the server and back again, and have a few newbie topics that I wouldn't mind getting some input on from those with more experience.

1. A definitive discussion on "self" and when to use it.  And somewhat related to that discussion, I'd also like to get a more firm understanding of how/when to employ methods/functions (defs), classes, modules, and packages.

2. Pythonic alternatives to the switch/select case statement.  I found several discussions about it online and ultimately took the function mapping dictionary approach myself, but I think it would make for an interesting discussion going over some of the alternatives (if-elif, function dictionary, polymorphism, etc).

3. If anyone has experience with cherrypy, it'd be great to talk about getting that setup as well.  I found that getting the Hello World example working was trivial, but going beyond that ended up being somewhat of a hassle due to relatively limited documentation/examples and apparently inconsistent version releases.  That said, I did eventually get it working the way I wanted for now, but I'm sure I'll run into more issues moving forward (like reconfiguring it to go from a standalone development environment to more of a production role and/or fronting it with apache or nginx).


On Mon, 20 Aug[masked]:39:25 -0700, Dan Stromberg <[address removed]> wrote:

Does anyone have any ideas for presentation topics?   Care to present on

I'd personally like to see something about virtualenv or git.

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