What we’re about
This Meetup is hosted by Eckankar - [www.eckankar.org](http://www.eckankar.org/)
Washington Eckankar website - [www.eckwa.org](http://www.eckwa.org/)
Have you had a spiritual experience?
Meet other people who have.
Haven't had a spiritual experience, but would like to? Learn how singing or chanting HU, an ancient name for God, and practicing spiritual exercises can enhance your daily life with spiritual experiences and create a deeper personal connection with the Divine. We have spiritual discussions to find out how others have achieved or recognized their own expanded consciousness and spiritual freedom.
Just about everyone has a story to share or a question to ask about spiritual experiences. Perhaps it is an insight that you found through your personal study of life and spirituality. Perhaps you haven't been able to share your experiences, insights, concerns, or truth with someone who understands or will listen.
Whatever your background, come share your stories, experiences, and insights in a warm, friendly environment. Our goal is to listen, validate, and share universal tools that can enhance anyone's spirituality. We are here to encourage each person to find their own relationship with the Divine.
We can discuss receiving guidance or protection, out-of-body experiences, the spiritual nature of dreams, near-death experiences, seeing loved ones or pets who have passed, seeing an inner light, hearing an inner sound, spiritual exercises, having a knowingness/sense that you have lived before, karma, reincarnation, and different states of consciousness.
Are these experiences real? What do they mean? How can a person have more experiences of the Divine?
At the bottom of the page there are links to other Meetup events that discuss related topics. Just tap on the topic you wish to explore and receive your personalized pass to travel around the country via Meetup and Zoom.
Always Free to Attend
There is never a cost for coming to and participating in our group meetings, just come and enjoy!
Eckankar is an ancient spiritual teaching and a modern-day spiritual path - The Path of Spiritual Freedom - that is a resource for all people, whatever their religious background, to make spiritual experiences an everyday reality in their life.
Related Websites:
This Meetup group, sponsored by Eckankar in Washington, is a resource for people of all faiths and beliefs: [http://www.eckwa.org](http://www.eck-wa.org/).
For more on the resources offered by Eckankar, The Path of Spiritual Freedom, visit [http://www.eckankar.org](http://www.eckankar.org/).
To request a free book and CD, visit [http://www.spiritualexperience.org](http://www.spiritualexperience.org/).
There is a sound that connects heaven and earth. Learn more at http://www.miraclesinyoulife.org.
To learn about the HU, a Love Song to God, visit [http://www.hearhu.org](http://www.hearhu.org/).
The opinions expressed in this site are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp.
Copyright © 2022 ECKANKAR, All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA.