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What we’re about

Welcome to the Okehampton Co-Parenting Support Walking Group! This meetup is for adults navigating the complexities of marital separation involving children. Coparenting can be a minefield, and our aim is for our members to provide each other with the emotional support needed.
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re freshly separated, are going through the divorce process, or you’re an old seadog with a wooden leg, we’re hoping that all of our members will be able to benefit from walking through the stunning landscapes of Dartmoor followed by a meal/drink at a pub creating a friendly and positive space to share experiences and connect with others going through similar life changes.

Come and be a part of this supportive community where we focus on effective coparenting and how to put the children first with our decision making.

Some of our members are healing from traumatic experiences so upon joining we ask you to provide the name of your ex so they can be excluded from membership, thus avoiding conflict.