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What we’re about

Welcome to a new, friendly and inclusive online group for older lesbians (probably 50+). We are excited to invite you to join us for online social and support events.

Our events will be held across various days and at different times to accommodate different schedules and time zones. We will strive to cater to a wide range of needs, including those of minority groups, and welcome English-speaking international members.

Social events will include things like quizzes, book groups, film clubs, special interest groups, or connections meetings for singles and those specifically seeking new friends. We also intend to offer peer support groups in time. Members are encouraged to suggest and host events themselves (Zoom support will be provided).

Even if you have limited mobility or health issues, you needn’t feel lonely: you can still enjoy a social life with other lesbians online. Look out for the events being listed in the coming weeks!

Membership of non-profit OLO will remain free at least until the end of July 2024, and kept minimal cost after that. All hosts and administrators are older lesbian volunteers who want to offer other older lesbians an enjoyable experience of connecting with other lesbian potential friends, or maybe more.

The group is primarily for online socials to allow the largest number of people to take part if they want to. Still, as group members make new friends in their own area, autonomous regional groups can be formed under the OLO name, meeting online here to set their own diary of events for face-to-face meetings, events or trips (which can also be posted here for extra publicity!) - without it affecting their right to attend online socials in between times. :)

There's a quotation attributed to William Butler Yeats: "There are no strangers here; only friends you haven't yet met". We invite you warmly to join us and help shape this new social community for older lesbians.

If there's an event you'd like to suggest or which you would be willing to host, please let us know by emailing: