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What we’re about

It has never been so important to stay healthy and strong!

Let’s keep moving together! Movement, mediation and breathing techniques can really help boost your immune system and keep you feeling healthy and strong.

This is a more dynamic class to get the blood flowing for the lymphatic system, the neurons firing for our mental health, to build strength, increase breathing capacity and general mobility.

I give options for all levels and always do as much as you can and you will keep getting stronger and more mobile.

I host the calls on Zoom a platform that is easily downloaded f you have never used Zoom before you only need to download the app or connect to , you will need to add an email address and a password. It’s very similar to Skype but we can have a whole community together at the same time. You will be able to see and hear me (and if you would like I will be able to see you and give you live tips and tips for posture and alignment, so I can still keep an eye on your form and guide you safely through the practice, this is optional ).

Set up a nice space at home with your computer, tablet or phone set up to be able to see and hear me well, a mat and any props you may need (blocks, cushion, blanket… ) We will not need any props in particular but have them close if you prefer practising with any.

Join from wherever you are and let’s all practice together.
Head over to my website to sign up for the event and you will receive an email with the link to the live Zoom Call

Everything is going to be okay! Doesn't mean everything will stay the same or even work out the way you thought. It just means that you WILL BE OKAY <3