What we’re about
"We are meant to be happy.
If you look at the motivations behind our thoughts and actions - conscious and unconscious - they're all to get us closer to the feeling, or at least the idea, of happiness.
Yet in spite of our worldly successes and social relationships, we sometimes feel lonely, empty, as if something is missing. Even when we experience happiness, it tends to be more of a brief touch than a lasting embrace. We seem to slip back to a lower plane, a place of wanting, again and again.
Psychologists, economists, poets - and, most importantly, you - have long asked why. But for all of the scholarship and human insight across the centuries, nobody has found a complete and enduring answer. Perhaps because it's been too close to see...
The answer, the truth, is our heart."
Irmansyah Effendi, M.Sc., Founder Padmacahaya Institute
Practiced by thousands of people around the world, Open Heart Meditation is a simple and profound technique that reminds us that the peace, calmness and happiness we so long for can be found within us.
Open Heart Meditation is different to other meditation techniques because it is about strengthening the spiritual heart (the centre of feeling) to connect us with the Divine, so that we are able to let go of any negativites which have caused us stress, unhappiness or ill health.
In this beautiful guided meditation, we can feel the Divine energy pour into our spiritual heart so that it can cleanse, open and strengthen our heart. With practice, the quality of our heart improves and the beautiful feeling of Love from our heart develops and grows. As our heart continues to strengthen and open more, we experience increasing happiness, health, peace, joy, and learn to follow our heart's own inner guidance to benefit ourselves and others in our daily life.
Open Heart Meditation is for anybody who:
- Is interested in learning meditation
- Is an experienced meditator or has tried other meditation techniques and would like to deepen, improve, and bring more joy and ease into their practice
- Is seeking relief from stress, tension or negativity in their life
- Is studying or involved in difficult mental work, and would like to clarify and improve their mind
- Is dealing with physical or mental health issues
- Would like to learn to relax more, and enjoy deeper and more restful sleep
- Would like to experience greater happiness, joy, peace, calmness and lightness in their lives
- Would like to improve their relationships, connection to others, and emotional well-being
- Would like to learn or discover more about the heart, using the heart, and following the heart
- Is looking for a greater sense of meaning, purpose or fulfilment in their lives
- Is looking to discover, deepen or improve a real connection with the Divine
This Meetup group is based at the Lotus Centre in Hobart's CBD. The Centre is a beautiful oasis within the city dedicated to healing, rejuvenation and spiritual connection. Meditations are open to all members of the public. A $5 donation is asked to cover the hire of the rooms. In addition to meditations, the Centre also holds regular Open Heart, Reiki Tummo and Secrets of Natural Walking workshops, both of which help to deepen the benefits of the Open Heart practice.
To find out more about Secrets of Natural Walking, please visit the Meetup site: https://www.meetup.com/Secrets-of-Natural-Walking-Hobart/