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What we’re about

Hi! & Wellllllcome to Open Social!!
Where we'll try & have, 4 Public Unique Events Every 2 Months:
- 1 Movie Night
- 1 Food Social Meet & Greet
- 1 Games Night [FREE No Cost Event~]
& 1 Special Activities Event πŸ”₯

We're going for a Closer Setting: Usually 15-30 ppl per Event,
so you can Actually Know ppl.

[Post Lockdown Revamp - 2021]
This Group Initially Came around, Because I Moved Around here & I Hated, Travelling an Hour to try the City Groups, But~ with Newer, Fancier Places Like Ed Square, VIP Karaoke & the Mill Hotel, all within 20minutes, there's No Better reason to Try Local now!
Rules? There are no Real Rules.

But being as "Open" & Honest as Possible will help ppl Understand, where you are, with Your Life πŸ––& Where we can Constantly keep Becoming
"The Best version of Ourselves"🀞
& We all got to Start somewhere.....
So Welcome!! To Open Social!!!

---[End Short Intro, Lol]---
For Search Results: Parramatta, Parra, Cabramatta, Cabra, Bankstown, Livo
---[Please Scroll down to Events!]---

---[Longer Info, Format has Changed Dec 2021 (awaiting Tech Support)]---
- But About This Group?? [What&Why?]
I'm Mega big on:
#Pop Culture, Movies, Gaming(& Boards) & Music!#
So I'll try!! & Give you a few Interesting Local Events to Come to 🀞
But We Definitely have more room for Expansion, So If you've got Something Cool to Suggest? or bring to the table, we're "Open" minded!
- The Real Goal? [Why&Who?]
There are alot of Different thinking ppl out there...(8 Million In NSW Infact!)
So This Place should be there for you, to be
Mega Chill, Honest, Awesomely Accepting, Relaxing Group Together!
[So Don't be too Vain!] & Just make sure you carry yourself but!!
(...& Ok, maybe if your abit drunk too... LoL~)
[& Also Age, is just a Number!] So If you look the part?? & still fun & hip, there's currently nothing stopping you from joining! 🀞

As The World? is an "Open" Place, so you should treat it as such! Cos well, Alanis Morrisette - You Live?? ...You Learn.
So keep Expanding your Horizons & Boundaries!!... (Deeper Waters, by Deadstar Comes to mind πŸ”₯πŸ‘Œ) ...So you Can Socialise! You can Date! Or be a Place, where we can Face Our problems together? (If Any?) But, We could be Coming? to your Engagement...!!?! Ha-ha! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ
But Your Safety? is still of the Highest Importance!! πŸ‘Œ I Reccomend Giving Out Insta, Wechat or Something Non-Number related, if you'd like to Stay in Contact, But the Group is Currently Using Whatsapp, for Faster Messaging.

---[Extended Info, Or Skip down to Events!]---
- But, Some Governing Rules?? they're More like Guidelines!! (or...) You Really need to lighten Up! [Double Movie Ref# there!]
... We're Not a Cult!... So we won't be Hiding our Attitudes, & Make up Rules~
(I Promise~ We'll be very Liberal & Use Democracy, for All Decisions!) 🀞
So, I Won't let any Rule.... get in the way, of a Good Friendship!!
[Arguement Logic?] in the TV Show - Friends, do some of them NOT fall for each other?? (.... πŸ’‘ ??)

So Here are Some Main things to keep in Mind:
(Skip this Part if you like... but 1 day, you might need this)
~ Guide 7 will blow your mind!!
[NOTICE: Guidelines, Now Moved to Very End~]

.... So If you're Ready? To Meet More or your Next New Set of Local Friends?? & You're Prepared? to get out there in the Real World??... (Cos In Life??? There's more than 1 way, to live a Life!!)
Then This... Could be the Place for you!
So Welcome! To Open Social!!

"... So Finish It Then?!... Cause I'm With you! Till the End Of the Line....."
[2014 - The Winter Soldier]
[2019-?] Opening Organiser, Dez

####[Advisements Below, Only Read, if you Feel Very Necessary~ Or Skip to Events, If You're a Well Raised Individual, LoL!🀞]####
There Should be:
- No Teenage Dramas
- No Inappropriate/Unsolicitated Messaging
- No Berating (Friendship isn't a Competition)

You "Should":
- Reply Msgs, You're a Big Kid now... Just be Firm with your Agenda.
- Use Explanations, If You've been Misjudged
- Receive Compliments, as it is not "Bad" Behavior~
So Please~ Just be Happy You're looking Fantastically Gorgeous Today! & It's making Someone's day!! πŸ‘ŒπŸ”₯ ... But there are Limits....

So, Ladies&Gents~ just Thank them & Move on.

7)& a VERY SPECIAL Last Mention!! - We're not "Male" or "Female" anymore, It's the 21st Century! We're "All" Just Human Beings!! πŸ––
... What you Feel as a Girl? feels no Different, to a Guy...
(Maybe just at Different Levels~)
######[Please Eliminate Racism, Sexism & Prejudice Behavior,
From your own Mind, Thankyou.]########

Upcoming events (4)

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