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What we’re about

Hello and Welcome!

This group has been formed so people can connect with one another and engage in meaningful conversations and friendships. If you like to "dig deep" in conversation, you belong here! We have the common value that if you have a love of wisdom, you are a philosopher.

Everybody may join whether you are local, international, brand new to philosophy or hold a Ph.D. The group motto is "if you have a love of wisdom, then you are a philosopher and welcome here." We are friends and we support each other. We love to discuss philosophy, what we're reading, current issues, etc.

This is a virtual group to host interesting virtual conversations. By keeping meetings virtual, we are casting a wider net to learn about interesting perspectives around the world. If you would like to meet in person, please venture elsewhere!

I will lightly guide the group through discussions by prompting philosophy questions and facilitating participation. It will be as serious or as fun/silly as the group members decide. We are primarily here to have fun, learn about ourselves as beings in the world, and forge new relationships. Each week we participate in an "everybody-may-participate" discussion based on one or more philosophers.

I am introducing a new concept whereby a person can request 10-15 minutes to present an idea, concept, or philosopher's notions that they find interesting. It can be done with a slide deck, an informal discussion, or just reading quotes. At the end of the presentation, group engagement will continue with an open discussion on the topic presented or any other discussion idea.

Group members may decide at the end of the session who they would like to discuss the following week. Specific books can be recommended to the group for discussion the following week to expand our knowledge of new philosophers and ideas. If nobody has any recommendations, then we will default to an open philosophy discussion for the next week.

The intent is a casual, fun, and inclusive environment is always omnipresent! We need you to strengthen the group through your participation and by sharing this Meetup group with interested others.

Please join us and participate, suggest new ideas, and ask any questions if that would be helpful to you. Please email me with any suggestions/feedback as we re-engage in our weekly meetings. Thank you! Amy

The Open Discussion Philosophy group will share ideas, questions, resources, and information that we have been considering or that have been helpful to us along our learning journey. To keep the conversations engaging and respectful, please find the rules to adhere to as part of group communications. This list will continually be improved upon to ensure a safe space for an intellectual conversation where the focus is on sharing knowledge and ideas. If you feel a group member(s) is acting outside of these guidelines, please report it to the Meetup moderator. Thanks!

  1. Joining Meetings: People are free to join a weekly meeting even after it has started. However, be mindful that you are entering a discussion where we will not have time to bring everyone up to speed or to provide context.
  2. Chat Box: The zoom chat will be open during the meeting where attendees can chat about ideas with the group or between attendees. If you are late to a meeting, this is a great way to ask other attendees for limited context. All the rules below apply and feel free to share links and references. After the meeting ends, the chat will end so make sure to copy any important conversations or links.
  3. Topics: The topic for the next meeting will be proposed and voted on at the end of each meeting. A vote will occur and the topic with the highest number of votes will be selected. The moderator will update the next meeting's subject line with the new topic. If you would like to present to the group for a limited 5-8 minute topic, please contact the moderator in advance as it will likely shape the topic idea for the following week.
  4. Be Considerate of Others. Please try to keep your comments concise and not lengthy to ensure time for everyone to speak. To keep the discussion moving and to respect the right of everyone wanting to communicate, please use the Zoom raised hand if you want to share. The moderator will select the next person to speak based on the order of the Zoom raised hand. Try not to constantly be the first to answer especially if you have previously had the chance to speak. Consider leaving space for others to talk. Should someone talk too long, the moderator may interrupt – only if needed - to be time sensitive.
  5. Be Encouraging. The tone of the discussions should be encouraging, not critical or negative. We want to create a safe space for others to share no matter how difficult the idea they are trying to share. Please give them the time and respect to unpack their thoughts. Before judging comments, please use the Socratic Method designed to ask questions first to fully understand what they are trying to say. People, ideas, and concepts are not always digestible in 240 characters or a few sentences. Always be thoughtful and mindful of your tone and communication style when sharing, asking other members questions, or remarking on someone’s comments.
  6. Freedom of Speech, Respect for the Individual, and Inclusiveness: No hate speech, bullying, crude, or offensive language is allowed. Questionable topics may arise from the works of philosophical thinkers or past perspectives. These should be considered in context when works or concepts are being referenced

Thanks for reading and adhering to the rules! We are glad to have you here!

Upcoming events (3)

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