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What we’re about

Ottawa Social welcomes you to the original National Capital Meetup group, the one that started it all, (way back in 2008), the group that has launched over a dozen other Meetup groups in the National Capital Region alone !

There are NO charges or fees to join, why pay just to look for things to do or to share ideas with each other ?

We are all about you socializing, making friends, creating new social circles, participating in physical activities, social events, taking-a-break, chillaxing, hosting, organizing or attending events or activities, discovering our city and enjoying life's simple pleasure of interacting.

We also take great pride in giving back to our community and we've held charitable events such as sandwich making for the homeless, the Ottawa Mission, The Children's Wish Foundation, Toy Mountain, the Ottawa Food Bank, numerous events for Nations in Need and a variety of activities and events for over 45 different charities and community initiatives over the years ! We are proud that our events support local businesses.

We are always welcoming newcomers! Time and again we receive feedback about how welcoming we are, and how this group has transformed people's social lives, providing them with a platform from which to launch themselves back into an active lifestyle!
No wonder we took Ottawa by storm and quickly became the largest adult group in the Capital!

Adding and Event
Once you're comfortable with our specific group, who knows, maybe you'll be hosting events too! Members are encouraged (but in no way obliged) to host events, and it is their initiative that provides us with such a rich variety of activities. If you would like to share an idea for an activity/event here is how to do that.

  1. Send a message to our Organizer, Brian, by direct messaging him using the "Chat with" feature on Brian'sProfile or Message Brian
  2. Please include a title of the event and the date/time of the event
  3. Also include a full description of the event.
  4. Your event will be reviewed and if it meets our guidelines (see next topic), we will post the event and make you the host. You can then fine tune the event to give it limits like number of attendees allowed, can they bring guests etc.
  5. If you host many events, you'll probably end up being an organizer too!

Event Guidelines

  1. The whole idea of Ottawa Social is to meet new people in an inclusive and welcoming environment. All events must be hosted by a member that will be at the event and available from the beginning and for most of the event to welcome guests, especially new guests.
  2. No event host should be asking for money to join an event. If there is a fee, such admission via eventbrite for example, remember if the host decides to cancel, you should still be able to attend the event you paid for. Events are public, so admission should be the same as anyone else outside of meetups wishing to attend that event.

Member Photo
Whether you're a resident, new to the city or just visiting, being socially active and meeting new people in a comfortable, safe and friendly environment while sharing the many activities and events Ottawa has to offer is always a wonderful option to have ! When you joined you were asked to use your first name and provide a clear picture of yourself. For members who joined before this was enforced, we encourage you to add a photo. This is so that hosts of your events can recognize who is attending.
To add a photo, please:

  1. Click on your avatar (top toolbar far right) and choose View Profile
  2. There will be an "edit profile" link where you can ensure you have just your first name (or First name and first letter of last name if you name is very common)
  3. You can upload a picture as well.

This is your opportunity to make friends , be active, and socialize! Our primary goal is to foster friendships.

We also encourage you to discover other Meetup groups in the region, some of which we originally launched, as well as other groups in cities you may visit during your travels.

Brian & your Ottawa Social Meetup Group of Volunteers Team :-)

Note: THIS PRIVATE GROUP IS NOT A SINGLES CLUB NOR A DATING SITE. This group is run by volunteers. Each group on Meetup is a separate entity, each with its own internal policies and ways of operating. The Organizers reserve the right to apply their own operating policies and procedures in their own groups at their own discretion. This group is not an organization or a business or a service and is not for profit. Our group is about general social activities and events for our members that we share with each other. We do not encourage  mass emailings related to direct marketing, sales, promotions or advertising.

NO volunteer can be held responsible or liable in any way shape or form for hosting any event or activity at any venue (public or private). You automatically released any volunteer from any and all responsibility & liability when you accepted to join this group. For more information please contact