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New Meetup: Reedy Creek Paddle: primitive camping Friday and riverbank camp on Saturday

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, May 4, 2009, 7:13 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Palm Beach Pack & Paddle!

What: Reedy Creek Paddle: primitive camping Friday and riverbank camp on Saturday

When: May 8,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: We will river camp on Reedy Creek in the Lake Wales Ridge State Forest. It is a beautiful little river that Nancy discovered on her recent backpack trip to the area.

On Friday night, we will camp in the primitive camping sites in Lake Wales Ridge. They are beautiful. The facilities are picnic tables and a port-a-potti. You will have to bring your own water, camping gear etc.

On Saturday morning, we will run a shuttle to bring our kayaks or canoes to Lake Arbuckle and put in at the
bridge which is around the corner from Friday's campsite.

We will paddle down and camp in a beautiful, shady oak hammock. After we set up camp we will then
relax, swim and maybe hike. On Sunday morning, we will paddle a little then explore the dunes where the creek meets the lake. I expect to take-out fairly early for an easy trip home.

RSVP to Nancy, she doesn't check this site.

Nancy Doucette [masked] [address removed]

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