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New Meetup: Palm Beach Pack & Paddle December Meetup

From: user 8.
Sent on: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 2:40 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Palm Beach Pack & Paddle!

What: Palm Beach Pack & Paddle December Meetup

When: December 14,[masked]:00 PM

Okeeheelee Park Nature Center
7715 Forest Hill Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL[masked]

If you are new to the Club or have just found us on Meet-up, this meeting will be a great informal way for you to mingle and ask questions about some of the Club's upcoming activities.

Our speaker at this month's meeting will be Lt. Troy Schurter of the West Palm Beach Fire Department and the subject will be First Aid and CPR techniques. These are very important skills to have when you're camping, kayaking or enjoying other outdoor activities and someone is in need of emergency assistance.

Our meeting times are 7pm for snacks and chatting with the meeting beginning at 7:30pm and ending at 9pm.

We will announce the upcoming trips that are planned and have reports on the previous month's trips, a guest speaker and club business is also discussed. If you would like to lead a trip or of there is an outdoor activity you'd like to try, mention it to our members for more information and encouragement.

There is a "meeting after the meeting" at Applebees at the corner of Jog Road and Forest Hill Blvd. if you'd like to visit with friends old and new after we have to leave the Nature Center.

Learn more here: