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New Meetup: John Prince Park Walk around Lake Osborne

From: user 8.
Sent on: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 2:48 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Palm Beach Pack & Paddle!

What: John Prince Park Walk around Lake Osborne

When: January 2,[masked]:00 AM

John Prince Park
2520 Lake Worth Rd
Lake Worth, FL 33461

Paul Cummings from Florida Trail is planning a walk around Lake Osborne in John Price Park and Pack & Paddle's Judy Jaksch would like to know if anyone would like to join the walk. After the walk, Judy plans on meeting for breakfast at TooJays.

If you're interested, call Judy Jaksch [masked]) for details on where to meet. Judy doesn't have a computer, so do not respond to this website.

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