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What we’re about

The Cool Fun Couples in Palm Beach County Group is for couples in 45 to 65 who are married, engaged, or in long-term committed relationships to meet and make friends with other couples.

That means at least one spouse was born on/after the year 1956.

Please be respectful of the age parameters for the group.


We are a casual, low-key group that welcomes newcomers. We are a group of people looking for other fun couples to socialize with and make lasting friendships.

Meetup is a great concept for making new friends. Don't be shy, and don't feel intimidated that you won't know anyone. That's what we're here get to know new people! If you've never come to a Meetup event before, give us a try. I promise you, you'll be glad you did! We're all just friends that you didn't know that you had.

It's so hard to meet people in this town. Let's get together and change that!

***Please note: If you RSVP that you are coming to an event, please do be gracious and let the organizer know ahead of time if your plans change. No one likes to put the work into throwing a party, and then have the guests not show up. So be nice, 'cause this is supposed to be fun for everyone, right?