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What we’re about

¡Hola! ¿Estás luchando por llegar al siguiente nivel en inglés? Tengo dos clases diferentes para ofrecerte:

  1. Aprender Ingles Por Guiones / Learning English Through Screenplays
    In this class we will learn English through reading your favorite movie scripts or series screenplays. We will focus on sounding natural, learning expressions and phrasal verbs, and on your accent and pronunciation. This is a fun way to learn English!

  2. Business English
    If you intend to use English for business, or perhaps you currently do, this class is for you. We will focus on meetings, presentations (structure and being concise), small talk, specific key vocab, phrasal verbs and expressions useful for business, and finally some of the basics that many intermediate/advanced Spanish speakers make mistakes with. A large part of the class is interaction, repetition exercises and working on your accent/pronunciation.

Who am I?
I am an English teacher with 6 years experience teaching in companies throughout Spain, mostly in Madrid and Valencia. I am a Vaughan trained teacher, and use much of this method, which I believe is the best language learning method around.

What level of English will I need?
Students should have an intermediate or advanced level of English.

What do I need to bring to class?
Just yourself, a smile, a pen and a notebook!